Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Moon in My Cup

** With the moon in my cup.

I look up.

And all the hurt in my heart

Ripples out in the dark.

Pain doesn't travel that far. 
Or survive out of heart...

If the canopy spread wide above could catch my vibes,

Would it bend out of mercy?

Or repel all my cries?

I can't tell from my place, or the moon and its face,

I can't see a droplet out there,

Do they even care?

Each staring orb seems still as
My chest shakes
in its ache
for some sign to appear

But, oh, it's

A relief to know-

The Sustainer that placed the moon for reflection
And all the canopies layered high for protection

These creations feel nothing of my losses
Not one sigh will change their orbits and their courses

The One who Knows my pain,
Can Hold Up the galaxies,
the tea.
My now
Overflowing cup.

There is Mercy
In these tears
Look up. Look up.