Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Olive Tree

Perception and reflection take me back to days when-

blood upon red and brown skin,
whip cracks on the ground,
earth colored with corpses,
screams only heard by the wind.

The forgotten ones - how we've chosen to send them away!

We exile them to our books, to once upon a time...
they live there now and so -

No regret beats down the pride hiding in the hard hearts of men -

When he turns a new page on a distant land -

Where brothers and neighbors let rage set fire to their stage -

Repeating a run of a show that's already been done -

Fight to the death - blame and shame -  who and how had it begun?

"turn thy head" and be gone, once a peaceful 'turn thy cheek'.

See how freedom takes sides as truth dares to speak?

Brothers and sisters...World!
Is this -

Or insanity???

In the land of the Prophets.

Mercy weeps
Remembrance sleeps

in the branches of
the blessed olive tree...