We are all philosophers who should say:
'I am nothing.'
Sudden conversations of the soul:
Sometimes no response - is the response.
Being grateful is crucial to sanity...and believe me - you have infinite blessings to be thankful for.
Don't think deep enough for the anglers to glow...your imagination can grab the wheel and go - think like the horizon and hover over your thoughts with a sharp hawk's eye - spear divergence from truth on the spot.
You do not need to express every thought or feeling at every moment (kinda contrary to what I'm doing now).
My thoughts are vague here - but inside they're clear. Why stencil a circle in public when it's more creative to slap paint on a wall?
Then step back and say 'get the picture?'
When you make Pakistani chai...always bring a sieve with you. Don't consider whale's milk as an alternative to cow's.
It's as Simple. As. That.
Hunger = void that can only be filled divinely.
Don't be suckered into buying hope.
Albert Einstein was not as cool as I thought he was (though we do share a birthday)...the list he made his (ex) wife was pretty harsh. Not all clever people are civil ethical human beings. Knowledge cannot be worshiped - it can only be used!
People don't listen (though they act like they do).
Sometimes you have to focus on the thorns, not the rose.
There are ranks in this world and the next - in this one, each heart varies in its softness/hardness - so do not expect what you would expect from yourself.
Seek people who are consistent, kind, generous and are sincerely trying to model their lives after the messengers of the past (knowingly or unknowingly - I mean, what other solid role models can you base your life on other than those of phenomenal character who humbly proclaimed to have contact with the divine?).
We act like who we love - so love the ones who are worthy.
[However] if you find yourself in different company -
don't leave - stay.
Make more room - show the way.
Yearn not for laughter. Bring the bass down to salam...salam...
Old jokes, however, will always stay funny.
Life is a struggle no matter what faith you choose...choose one and stick with it, lest you be lost to the masses. But - do not expect to embrace a faith and be suddenly filled with euphoria, instant epiphanies or enlightenment in each moment - life will test you - people will test you - God will test you.
Let them.
How will you take the test? What are your guidelines? How real is the foundation of your actions?
Instant Instinct? Scrambled ideas? Solid belief?
Pascal's Theory?
I will ask my questions!
If there's grime - will you clean it up now and how?
If you believe in truth, do not embody the fake.
Pray for others and ask only for yourself - forgiveness.
Be productive.
Think of others in your life at this moment. What do they need? Are they in need? How can you serve them for God's sake (though, please know - I am no saint).
Don't waste time!
Go to bed early!
Eat your veggies!
Don't bite those nails! (ARGH-just did)
Read books of all genres and subjects!
All which will point 'yes' to The Book.
Do...do...do... So on and so forth like a good little insignificant human.
On another note.
Bring 'it' up close - that 'snail' on Virginia Woolf's wall...
Without the stereotypes...without the images...without the names...
What is that special 'it' about it?
"You don't know it, but you need it." (Hanson song...)
Last splatter - (I know we're all thinking..."but why does this all matter!!!!!!!!?")
Can't follow me? Well, follow what you know is the latter.
Plant in the depths compassion for others...despite what they may think of you. Let not their
imaginary chatter, their unspoken words make a ripple in your heart - strive to be the tree rooted in a
Good Word.
Awaken to the existence of the various worlds within the worlds. Ant mounds, beehives, villages, packs, herds, tribes, zones, the planets, your cells...and the most dangerous place to try and survive - your mind.
Breathe it in - enjoy - but remember ticking time.
What has been given has been given. Don't search for what can't be found.
At one point, you'll look back -
- without a 'bismillah' (in the name of God)...
And when turned in wonder at the dark side of the moon
Know that -
Darkness upon darkness does not render light.
Carry that weight. March on. Even to struggle your whole life.
We are just servants. Though we may never be just.
Bring out the light...
Surah An-Nur (The Light)...Ayah (Verse) 35
God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His light is, as it were, that of a niche containing a lamp; the lamp is [enclosed] in glass, the glass [shining] like a radiant star: [a lamp] lit from a blessed tree -an olive-tree that is neither of the east nor of the west - the oil whereof [is so bright that it] would well-nigh give light [of itself] even though fire had not touched it: light upon light! God guides unto His light him that wills [to be guided]; and [to this end] God propounds parables unto men, since God [alone] has full knowledge of all things.